Friday, September 10, 2010

Crossword 1 Answers Explanation

Solution to Crossword 1

1. Flier finds German university students (4)
 The definition lies either in front of the question (ie flier) or at the back (students).In this question, the definition is the flier; so you must find a 4-letter word for flier.But which flier is implied by ‘German university students’; the cryptic fodder? No indicator here, so let’s try ‘word substitution’. German can be replaced with G; while University is commonly referred to as U. How about Students? Student (or sometimes Trainee or Novice) can be replaced by L (short for Learner as in L-plate); hence Students can be represented by LL (ie more than 1 learner). So putting them together:-German = G; University = U; Students = LL (Learners); G+U+LL = GULL (flier)

4. Dandy has left as a failure (4)
With the definition either in front or at the back of the question, you have 2 options; ‘dandy’ or ‘failure’. Here the definition is ‘failure’. So you need a 4-letter word for failure; by deciphering ‘Dandy has left’. This will involve ‘indicator recognition’ and ‘word substitution’. ‘has’ (or sometimes ‘takes’) means “is in possession of”; hence it is an insertion indicator to tell you that dandy is in possession of left. For word substitution, your thesaurus will give you FOP as a synonym to “dandy”; while left can be substituted as L (likewise right can be R).
Dandy = FOP; left = L; Dandy has left = FOP has L = F(L)OP = FLOP (failure)

6. Total zero at sport (4)
I guess that by now, you would have suspected either Total or Sport as definition. You’re on the right track, because the definition here is sport. That leaves ‘total zero’ as the fodder. Without any indicator, if we go with word substitution; Total can be SUM and zero can be O.Total= SUM; zero = O; SUM+O = SUMO (sport)

8. Part of the Far East (4)
Here the definition is 'part'. 'of the Far East' means from the Far East. So answer is from Far East.If you take it literally ( as a hidden word clue ) then you might see the word 'area' in Far East. And area matches as a synonym for 'part'. PART = AREA ( of the FAR EAST)

11. Printed article about missile (4)
 Back to the typical way to find definition! You should consider either ‘printed’ or ‘missile’.In this case, it’s missile. So how about ‘printed article about’? ‘About’ looks suspicious; where it can act as a hidden indicator. If you look inside ‘printed article’, you can find DART (missile).About (hidden indicator); Printed article = DART (missile)

13. Steal pub and profit (7)
 The definition can be either ‘steal’ or ‘profit’. Here it is ‘steal’; so you have to look for a 7-letter word for steal; from ‘pub and profit’. A simple ‘word substitution’ will do the trick; where pub is bar and profit is gain.
Pub = BAR; profit = GAIN; BAR+GAIN = BARGAIN = steal

14. The rodent in the crate (3)
The definition is either ‘the rodent’ or ‘crate’. Here you are to look for a 3-letter word for rodent; from the cryptic fodder ‘in the crate’. ‘In’ is a hidden indicator; which if you look inside ‘the crate’, you will find RAT (rodent).In (hidden indicator); the crate = RAT (rodent)

16. Head in charge of subject (5)
Look for the definition at the front (ie ‘head’) or at the back (ie ‘subject’) of the question. Here the definition is ‘subject’ and the cryptic fodder is ‘head in charge’. Again ‘word substitution’ can reveal the answer. Think of a synonym of head; which can be TOP. Likewise ‘In charge’ can be represented by IC (sometimes in work delegation, you may see PIC, which means ‘person in charge’).Head=TOP; In Charge = IC; TOP+IC = TOPIC (subject)

18. Animal's key is no different (5)
The definition can be either ‘animal’ or ‘different’. Since ‘different’ can be an anagram indicator, I would suggest that you consider animal as definition first. Look for a 5-letter word for animal; from the cryptic fodder ‘key is no different’. However you’ll notice that ‘key is no’ has more than 5 letters; hence direct anagram may not be the answer. ‘Key’ (or ‘note) is commonly used in cryptic crossword to indicate music key note (ie A, B, C, D, E, F or G). So now by combining one of these notes with the anagram of  IS NO, it is now possible to get BISON (animal). Different (anagram indicator); key = B (music key note); key is no = B IS NO = BISON (animal)

21. The origins of botany (5)
 This question is unique, as it is a cryptic definition of the answer. As usual, the definition can be ‘the origins’ or ‘botany’. Here you have to look for another 5-letter word for ‘the origins’. But which one? This is where the cryptic fodder ‘of botany’ comes into play. Think of common words in the world of botany, and you will realise that ROOTS (origins) can satisfy the criteria.

22. Pillar found in one well (5)
This question is similar to 14 Across. Instead of ‘the rodent’, the definition is ‘pillar’. ‘Found in’ will suggest a hidden indicator. So looking inside ‘one well’, you should spot NEWEL (pillar). Easy; once you have learnt the technique!Found in (hidden indicator); One well = NEWEL (pillar)

24. Appearing to have food (3)
Similar to the hidden question in 11 Across, the definition here is ‘food’. ‘To have’ is another typical hidden indicator; so look inside ‘Appearing’ and you’ll see PEA(food).To have (hidden indicator); Appearing = PEA (food)

25. Article about concert (7)
A simple question with only 3 words; where the words can be the definition, the indicator or the fodder. ‘About’ looks like a candidate as an anagram indicator; so that leaves ‘article’ and ‘concert’ as definition or fodder. But which is which? So you can try to anagram CONCERT and get another word that means ARTICLE. Or alternatively you can anagram ARTICLE and get another word that means CONCERT. In the latter case, from ARTICLE, you can get RECITAL (concert).About (anagram indicator); ARTICLE = RECITAL (concert)

28. Nothing but affection (4)
Another 3-word question. However unlike 25 Across, this one doesn’t have any clue indicator. Hence, one should suspect ‘double definition’. It means that you must look for 4-letter word that means ‘nothing’; as well as ‘affection’. LOVE will fulfill the double definition.Double def; Nothing = LOVE = affection

30. Late translating a story (4)
Similar to the anagram question in 25 Across, here ‘translating’ can be an anagram indicator. That leaves either ‘late’ or ‘story’ as definition. Since we’re looking for a 4-letter word, it makes perfect sense, to try anagram LATE (instead of story) and take ‘story’ as definition.Translating (anagram indicator); LATE = TALE (story)

31. Resting-places in the county (4)
At first glance, the sentence seems to suggest a ‘hidden’ question. However the word ‘in’ doesn’t represent a hidden indicator. Here this is another ‘double definition’ question. Look for a 4-letter word that represents ‘resting-places’ and ‘county’. A common word for ‘resting places’ can be ‘BEDS’. A quick check on the encyclopaedia will show that BEDS (short for Bedfordshire) is a county, in southeast-central England.Double def; Resting-places = BEDS = county

32. Rite used flag (4)
Similar to the anagram question in 25 Across and 30 Across, here ‘used’ is an anagram indicator; while the definition can be either ‘rite’ or ‘flag’. Try to anagram ‘flag’ to get a word for ‘rite’ and you may get nothing. However if you anagram ‘rite’, you can get TIRE (which can mean flag ie less enthusiastic).Used (anagram indicator); RITE = TIRE (flag)

33. Adherent takes trainee a cake (4)
The definition can be either ‘adherent’ or ‘cake’. Here you need to get a 4-letter word for ‘cake’; by deciphering ‘adherent takes trainee’. Now it involves a bit of ‘word substitution’ and ‘clue recognition’. You can replace adherent as FAN; while trainee can be L (please refer to earlier explanation in 1 Across). How about ‘takes’? ‘Takes’ can be an insertion indicator (pls refer to earlier explanation in 4 Across). So insert L (trainee) inside FAN (adherent) to get FLAN (cake).Adherent = FAN; Trainee = L (learner); FAN takes L = F(L)AN = FLAN (cake)

1 Seize outlandish garb (4)
‘Outlandish’ can represent an indicator for anagram. So the definition can be either ‘seize’ or ‘garb’. Since we are looking for a 4-letter word, it’s more logical to assume ‘seize’ as the definition and anagram the 4-letter ‘garb’. You should get GRAB (seize).Outlandish (anagram indicator); GARB = GRAB (seize)

2. Look for shelter on the right (4)
The definition can be either ‘look’ or ‘right’. Here ‘look’ is the definition. So we need to get a 4-letter word for look; from ‘shelter on the right’. LEE can be a shelter (usually from wind or weather); while right can be R (as explained in 4 Across). Please take note that the word ‘on’ is suitably used in a Down question; as LEE is on top of R. Of course, LEER is to look (usually in an unpleasant way).Shelter = LEE; Right = R; LEE + R = LEER (look)

3. Check for gold key and object (5)
The definition can be either ‘check’ or ‘object’. Here the definition is ‘check’; so let’s look for a 5-letter synonym. How about ‘gold key and object’? Without any indicator, this seems to suggest ‘word substitution’. Typically when a chemical element is mentioned, it is good to know its symbol/abbreviation (please refer here for complete list). Gold is commonly represented by Au (from Latin Aurum). Key can be D (as previously explained in 18 Across). Object can be represented by IT. Putting them together, you should get AUDIT (check).Gold = AU (Aurum); key = D (music key note); object = IT; AU+D+IT = AUDIT (check)

4. In favour of a number, say (3)
The definition can be either ‘in favour of’ or ‘say’. Since ‘say’ can be a sound-like indicator, it’s more likely to assume the definition to be ‘in favour of’. So we are looking a 3-letter word for ‘in favour of’; which also sound like a number. Working systematically from one, two etc, you will realise that ‘four’ sounds like FOR (in favour of).Say (sound indicator); A number = four; sounds like FOR (in favour of)

5. Left some wine (4)
This question may seem to suggest a hidden type, with ‘some’ as the hidden indicator. However similar to 31 Across, this is a double definition question. Look for a 4-letter word, which means ‘left’ and ‘some wine’; hence PORT.Double definition; left = PORT = wine

7. Roman-style residence (5)
Smooth reading on the surface. But as usual, the definition can be ‘Roman’ or ‘residence’. Style (as in to design) can be an anagram indicator. For a 5-letter answer, we should anagram Roman to get another word for residence.; which you should get MANOR
style (anag indicator); ROMAN = MANOR (residence)

9. Artist finds plant in canyon (6)
The definition can be ‘artist’ or ‘canyon’. Here it is canyon we’re looking from ‘Artist finds plant’. Without any indicator, this can be another ‘word substitution’ question. For those who are new to cryptic crosswords, RA can represent Royal Academician (who is a member of Royal Academy of Arts). VINE can be a plant. This should give RAVINE (canyon).Artist = RA (Royal Academician); plant = VINE; RA + VINE = RAVINE (canyon)

10. Silver, blue and shining (5)
Wow… another chemical element here. Remember the knowledge required for chemical element (please refer 3 Down, if you have forgotten). Silver is commonly represented by AG (Argentum). Beside being a colour, ‘blue’ can also mean sad or LOW. Put this together, you should get AGLOW (which is shining).Silver = AG (Argentum); blue = LOW; AG + LOW = AGLOW (shining)

12. Group generating riot (4)
Similar to 1 Down anagram question, with ‘generating’ as anagram indicator, the definition here is more likely to be ‘Group’, as ‘riot’ can be anagrammed into the 4-letter answer. You should get ‘riot’ as TRIO (which is a group of three).generating (anag indicator); RIOT = TRIO (group)

15. Real performance? Turn to a novice (6)
The definition can be either ‘Real’ or ‘novice’. With ‘real’ as the definition, you have to decipher ‘performance? Turn to a novice!’. Here you have to break this into 4 parts and word exchange each one. You can say that performance can be an ACT, while ‘turn’ can be U (as in U-Turn by vehicle) and ‘a’ remains as A. Do you still remember what I have taught you about ‘Novice’? Novice can be L (please refer to 1 Across). You should be able to construct ACTUAL (real).Performance = ACT; Turn = U (U turn); A novice = A L (learner); ACT+U+AL=ACTUAL (real)

17. Suggest I stop running (5)
 The definition can be ‘suggest’ or ‘running’. Here it is ‘suggest’ which is the definition, with ‘running’ a suitable anagram indicator. If you anagram ‘I stop’, you can get POSIT (suggest).running (anagram indicator); I STOP = POSIT (suggest)

19. Close to the animal (4)
Without any indicator, this could be another question of double definition. Look for a 4-letter word, which means ‘close’ or ‘the animal’. How about SEAL?
double definition; close = SEAL = animal

20. Never lost courage (5)
 Similar to 25 Across and 30 Across, you will notice that Lost can be an anagram indicator. This leaves either ‘never’ or ‘courage’ as the definition. Again the 5-letter answer points toward ‘courage’ as the definition and ‘nerve’ needs to be anagrammed. By doing that, you should get NERVE (courage).Lost (anag indicator); NEVER = NERVE (courage)

23. City guides get reported (5)
A second sound-like question; since ‘get reported’ looks good as a sound indicator. Since the sound indicator is next to ‘guides’, it naturally means that we are looking for a 5-letter word, which is a ‘city’, but sounds like ‘guides’. In this case, LEEDS (a city in England) sounds like ‘leads’ (guides).Reported (sound indicator); guides = leads; sounds like LEEDS (a city in England)

24. Pets turn out to be an irritation (4)
 Another anagram question is on the cards, since ‘turn out’ can be an anagram indicator. So the definition can be ‘pets’ or ‘irritation’. Again the 4-letter ‘pets’ should be anagrammed; to get PEST (irritation).Turn out (anagram indicator); Pets = PEST (irritation)

26. Follow the queue (4)
 Without any indicator, this is likely to be a double definition question. Look for a 4-letter word, which means ‘follow’ or ‘the queue’. How about TAIL?Double definition; Follow = TAIL = queue

27. Incline to be thin (4)
Without any indicator, this is also likely to be a double definition question. Look for a 4-letter word, which means ‘incline’ or ‘thin’. LEAN should fit the bill.Double definition; Incline = LEAN = thin

29. Nobel's prize (3)
Last but not the least, this is a unique hidden question. The presence of an apostrophe suggests that the ‘prize’ is possessed by ‘Nobel’. So if you look inside Nobel, you will see OBE (short for Officer of the Order of the British Empire; a prize given for national order of merit)OBE = prize (hidden in Nobel)

Chian Min

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