1 Metal of two colours (5,4) WHITE GOLD: Double definition of METAL and TWO COLOURS
8 A barrier to a dodgy dealer (5) FENCE: Double definition of BARRIER and DODGY DEALER
10 Croat turned performer (5) ACTOR: Definition PERFORMER; ‘turned’ indicating anagram of ‘Croat’
12 Bored with a mineral (3) ORE: Definition MINERAL; ‘with’ indicating some letters of ‘bored’
13 Originally called in one electrician (3) NEE: Definition ORIGINALLY CALLED; ‘in’ indicating some letters of ‘one electrician’
14 Creepy-sounding lake (4) ERIE: Definition LAKE; ‘sounding’ indicating sounds like ‘creepy’ (eerie)
15 Wanting Mark to go to church (6) SCARCE: Definition WANTING; SCAR (Mark) + CE (short for Church of England) = SCARCE
16 What’s left after burning trophy (5) ASHES: Double definition of ‘what’s left after burning’ and ‘trophy’
18 Dismissal points to tiny shoe (6) BOOTEE: Definition TINY SHOE; BOOT (dismissal) + EE (points: EE= East East) = BOOTEE
20 Witches’ irritation (4) ITCH: Definition IRRITATION; ‘Apostrophe’ in ‘witches’’ indicating some letters in ‘witches’
22 Encountered the police in London (3) MET: Double definition of ENCOUNTERED and POLICE IN LONDON
23 Quantity of schooners (3) ONE: Definition QUANTITY; ‘of’ indicating some letters of ‘schooners’
24 Firm about socialist beliefs (5) CREDO: Definition BELIEFS; CO (firm) about RED (socialist) = C(RED)O
25 Terribly eager to comply (5) AGREE: Definition COMPLY; ‘terrible’ indicating anagram of ‘eager’ = AGREE
26 Information about cheat-fest (9) FACTSHEET: Definition INFORMATION; ‘about’ indicating anagram of ‘cheat-fest’
2 Capital to laugh at negative one (5) HANOI: Definition CAPITAL; HA (laugh) at NO (negative) I (one) = HA + NO + I = HANOI
3 It grows in the street (4) TREE: Definition IT GROWS; ‘in’ indicating some letters of ‘the street’
4 Look for German weapon (6) GLANCE: Definition LOOK; G (short for German) + LANCE (weapon) = G LANCE
5 Next, alter arrangement (5) LATER: Definition NEXT; ‘arrangement’ indicating anagram of ‘alter’
6 Composer who frequently returned, say (9) OFFENBACH: Definition COMPOSER; ‘say’ indicating sounds like ‘frequently returned’ (Often Back)
7 Release cog to reach coast (9) FREEWHEEL: Definition COAST; FREE (release) + WHEEL (cog) = FREEWHEEL
9 Made Edward follow wrong race (7) CREATED: Definition MADE; ‘wrong’ indicating anagram of ‘race’ (CREA) + TED (short for Edward)
11 Finishing shell with energy (7) CEASING: Definition FINISHING; CASING (shell) with E (energy) = C(E)ASING
15 The woman from Esher (3) SHE: Definition WOMAN; ‘from’ indicating some letters of ‘Esher’
17 Explain drug found in beer (3,3) SET OUT: Definition EXPLAIN; E (short for Ecstacy (drug)) in STOUT (beer) = S(E)TOUT
19 Last character round to play game (5) OMEGA: Definition LAST CHARACTER (in Greek); O (round) + MEGA (play is an anagram indicator for ‘game’)
21 Reticent about trees (5) TERSE: Definition RETICENT; ‘about’ indicating anagram of ‘trees’
23 Curse out of loathing (4) OATH: Definition CURSE; ‘out of’ indicating some letters of ‘loathing’
Chian Min
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