Sunday, December 19, 2010

Crossword 8 Answers Explanation



1.    Possibly great, if I’d been pleased (9). GRATIFIED. Definition is ‘pleased’. Anagram of ‘great if I’d’,  ‘possibly’ is the anagram indicator.

8.    Daughter tears weeds (5). DRIPS. Definition is ‘weeds’. ‘D for daughter’, and ‘tears’ = ‘rips’.

10.    Drama involving a rope (5). OPERA. Definition is ‘drama’. Anagram of ‘a rope’, ‘involving’ is the anagram indicator.

12.    Relaxed during conversation (3). SAT. Definition is ‘relaxed’. Hidden word.

13.    Gained raw onions outside (3). WON. Definition is ‘gained’. Hidden word.

14.    Consumer’s new ruse (4). USER. Definition is ‘consumer’. Anagram of ‘ruse’. Anagram indicator is ‘new’.

15.    Recent change to core (5). CENTRE. Definition is ‘core’. Anagram of ‘recent’. Anagram indicator is ‘change’.

16.    Isolated a section (5) APART. Double definition.

18.    Look round ship that’s not as good (6) LESSER. Definition is ‘not as good’. Ship is ‘SS’, and a synonym of look (leer), goes around it.

20.    Alright for artist to have food (4). OKRA. Definition is ‘food’. ‘Alright’ is ‘OK’, and ‘artist’ is ‘RA’.

22.    Island produce (3). COS. Double definition. ‘Cos’ is a type of lettuce, as well as (an alternative) name of a Greek island.

23.    He’s in the wrong (3). RON. Definition is ‘he” (a man’s name), and it is a hidden word.

24.    Tilts over a walking stick (5). STILT. Definition is ‘walking stick’. Anagram of ‘tilts’, and anagram indicator is ‘over’.

25.    Join military group to the East (5). UNITE.  Definition is ‘join’. Military group is ‘unit’, and abbreviation for ‘East’ is ‘E’.

26.    Fascinated by appearance with key (9). ENTRANCED. Definition is ‘fascinated’. ‘Appearance’ is ‘entrance’, and (musical) key is ‘D’.

2.    Lift gets more money (5). RAISE. Double definition.

3.    Cricket match can be a trial (4). TEST. Double definition.

4.    Blossom like a river (6). FLOWER. A blossom is a flower, but a river is also a flower (different pronunciation!)
5.    It happened in the Seventies (5). EVENT. Definition is ‘it happened’. Hidden word.

6.    Loses dour arrangement, not humming (9). ODOURLESS. Definition is “not humming” (a bit of a tricky definition). Anagram of ‘loses dour’. Anagram indicator is ‘arrangement’.

7.    Fastidious watchman (9). CARETAKER. Double definition.

9.    Soldiers only left an umbrella (7). PARASOL. Definition is ‘parasol’. ‘Soldiers’ is ‘paras’, and ‘OL’ is an abbreviation for ‘only left’.

11.    Game of bridge (8). PONTOON. ‘Pontoon’ is a card game, as well as being part of a bridge.

15.    Scared to include transport (3). CAR. ‘Transport’ is the definition. Hidden word.

17.    Annoy new pets with hesitation (6). PESTER. The definition is ‘annoy’. Anagram of ‘pets’ plus ‘ER’ for hesitation.

19.    Heir wasted coins (5). SCION. Definition is ‘heir’. Anagram of ‘coins’.  ‘Wasted’ is the anagram indicator.

21.    Ink spilt on iron blade (5). KNIFE. Definition is ‘blade’. Anagram of ‘ink’, plus the chemical symbol for iron (FE).

23.    Destroy what’s left of the castle (4). RUIN. Double definition.

Craig and Mary

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